Programme of Excursions

The programme comprises the Section excursions and links to other organisations for joint excursions. Booking should be made before joining an excursion with the PSNS or contact with the host organisation. The following posts give the PSNS Nature Section programme, invitations from The Dundee Naturalist’s Society, the Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland, The Botanical Society of Scotland, Faith Anstey’s workshops, the Butterfly Conservation, Scotland and the Tayside and Fife Fungal Group. TaFFG have a programme of Forays in addition to that listed, at which PSNS members are also welcome.

Nature Section Excursions


Wednesday, 3rd July, 18:00-20:00: ‘An amazing orchid & wildflower meadow,’ New Mill, Clunie

Friday, 5th July; Northern Brown Argus Workshop,   Tummel Shingle Islands SWT Reservenear Pitlochry

Sunday, 7th July, 11:00 – 15:00, Upland Orchid Meadow, Braeleny, Callander 

This excursion is cancelled

Saturday, 20th July: 2 walks: Low-level walk to look at grasses and mountain plants, or a mountain day for sedges and grasses. Ben Lawers

Saturday, 27th July, 11:00-15:00: A walk round Pitlochry, exploring town and woodland

Nature Section Excursions

August and September

Saturday 3rd August:  Wildlife Site Survey, Weem Woods

 August date to be confirmed :  Wildlife Site Survey, Juniper Wood, Balnagard Reserve

Saturday, 14th September Fungus Foray, Killiecrankie

Joint meeting with Tayside and Fife Fungal Group, and Dundee Naturalists

Butterflies and Moths

Butterfly Conservation Scotland hold a number of meetings through the summer. These can be viewed at

The following may be of particular interest;

Monday, 20th April: Rare Butterfly and Moth Workshop, Dun Coillich, Nr Aberfeldy

Friday 5th July: Northern Brown Argus Workshop; Tummel Shingle Islands

Anthony McCluskey is creating a mailing list for notifying those interested in forthcoming events. To be included in the mailing contact   

Anthony McCluskey is running Moth Mornings.  Commencing at 9 am, the aim will be to look at moths caught over night in a trap put out the previous evening.

Moth Traps are being made available for loan for people to use in their own gardens. Training will be given.

If interested in either of these contact Anthony McCluskey as above.

Anthony McCluskey is also asking for volunteers to look for the Northern Brown Argus at various sites in Highland Perthshire. There’s more information on the butterfly and the locations to be searched here .  

Nature Section Excursions


Sunday, 12th May, 7:30am-11:am: Bird Song and Bluebells, Kinclaven North Woods

Saturday, 18th May: Plant Families Workshop, with BSBI, booking required, see BSBI post below, Townhill Community Centre, Dunfermline

Monday, 20th, Rare Butterflies & Moths Workshop, Pearl-bordered Fritillary & Small Dark Underwing Moth, Dun Coillich Community Woodland, near Aberfeldy. Contact

Wednesday, 22nd May, 6 pm, Field, Woodland & Reed Bed Birds, Errol


Saturday/Sunday, 25/26th, May: Survey of Sticky Catchfly, Dumyat, Clackmannan. Contact  For people with a head for heights!